«Consistent, sustainable, reliable, that's what I stand for.»

Urs Bürge, Managing Director 

.bürge bürgt.

Do you have questions, uncertainties or problems to overcome?

We have the solutions and the implementation skills.

We are decision-makers, implementers, consultants, sparring partners and good listeners at the same time.

Consistency, reliability and sustainability – that is what we stand for.

The name says it all: bürge bürgt gmbh, because only your success counts for us

Do you have questions, uncertainties or problems to overcome?

We have the solutions and the implementation expertise.

bürge bürgt gmbh - Interimsmanagement

stehlistrasse 6 - 8912 obfelden - Tel. 056 210 49 29

riedstrasse 5 - 6330 cham - Tel. 041 763 23 21

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